Art On The Blockchain

About Claudia

Claudia Pawlak is an artist who has been working and creating in Web 3.0 since 2020. 

When she's not creating, Claudia is facilitating FRAME11 Gallery and building at the RAW DAO.

Below are her collections of art on the blockchain.

In Translation

“In Translation” is a collaboration between artist and machine; A bringing-together of the past and future of photography and artistic practice. 

Drawing inspiration from the cyanotype work of Anna Atkins as well as artist Claire Silver, a machine-learning algorithm was trained to create a unique set of otherworldly botanicals, which were then printed as cyanotypes. The nature of the cyanotype as a direct imposition of object-to-paper, facilitated by sunlight, leads one to assume the existence of the object being recorded. Through digital intervention, the object is instead replaced with a facsimile - one which suggests existence, though it exists only in the print. 

Through minting the works as NFTs, the process comes full-circle: Bringing that which was originally created in the digital world, back into it. Through an intersection of art, technology, and the historic photography process, these images provoke the viewer to question the authority of the image-document.

Collect on Obscura.

Number of pieces: 25
Number of primary sales: 25
Number of secondary sales: 1
Floor price: 0.5 ETH
Volume traded: 9.25 ETH
Last updated: 07.24.22.

Serce Matki (Mother's Heart)

“Serce Matki” (Mother’s Heart), or alternatively titled, “Most Importantly, Love Your Mother”, is a photographic body of work created during 2019 which explores the evolution of the mother-daughter relationship from co-dependency to two self-sustaining women.

Serce Matki is derived from the poem “Kochaj róże, kochaj bratki, a najbardziej serce matki” (I love roses, I love pansies, but the most important is my mother's heart). This is a mantra of sorts - used by Polish children throughout generations as a confession of love.

In 2019, I began searching through my mother's documents from her home country of Poland. The result is a series of photographs piecing together the material evidence of her life and experiences, portraits featuring moments between myself, my mother, and my sister, as an attempt to understand her identity today. In completing this work, I am creating my own poem for my mother, a visual essay about validating the sacrifice of our mother’s heart.

Collect on OpenSea.

Number of pieces: 11
Pieces available on primary: 2
Floor price: 0.45 ETH
Volume traded: 4.1 ETH
Last updated: 04.07.22.

The Ephimera Collection

A collection of stand-alone photography works minted from January 2021 - June 2021. 

Collect on Ephimera.

Number of pieces: 11
Pieces available on primary: 0
Floor price: 0.55 ETH
Volume traded: 4.32 ETH
Last updated: 04.07.22.

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